Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas in the Air!

Tess and Marta, far right, part of the "Fiddle Gang" for many years running
at the annual Sonora Bean Feed

It has been two music-filled weeks for our Houghton crew.  Just this week included a wonderful (small town, but wonderful still) Messiah singalong last Sunday, group piano for Levi on Tuesday, Soulsbyville Christmas Concert with Levi on trumpet on Thursday, Sonora Bean Feed and violin music provided by Marta and Tess (and others) on Friday, choir practice on Friday night (and potluck), "Nutcracker" in Oakland on Temple Hill (  Saturday night, choir performance today in church, more choir practice after church, and tonight, our annual caroling party!  Oh, and then there's the Christmas music constantly playing on the stereo system, radio, and every MP3 around.  Not tired of it yet, but maybe it is a good thing that our music Nazi (aka Mark) restricts Christmas music the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's!

Sorry, don't know how to rotate this. . .
Eliza arrived from BYU on Friday night in her blue 1991 Volvo.  We posted a few signs to welcome her, and  to counteract the one a grouchy neighbor posted last summer (the "Blue Volvo Slow Down" sign below the other two.)  She's hoping to find a few minutes to settle in during the coming days.  It feels complete when Eliza's home.  Though it's taking some getting used-to her new very short haircut--she's having fun playing with scarves, headbands, and spiking gel.

The Christmas tree is up, and hasn't deposited its needles on the skirt beneath, despite our faithlessness in watering it.  (It may help that Levi cut the tree fresh, and it is a Sequoia--without real needles).  Most of our traditional ornaments adorn the tree, though surprisingly, some of the owners of kindergarten-made items have declined to hang those.  We don't have one of those decorator trees, but we love many of the ornaments we do hang.  And Levi and Tess learned to sew a new dove ornament that went as teacher gifts this week! and other boxes are arriving daily on the front porch. . .in batches.  Can you tell we had some Amazon points to spend.  There are even a few gifts wrapped under the tree--though many givers haven't even begun wrapping!  The wrapping station is set up in hopes that project won't be saved until Christmas Eve.

Shhh. . .what some may not know is that Denise enjoyed this last week of kids in school to finish a hand-made project.  Things went slower than hoped, so some gift ideas may have to surface as after-Christmas "do it together" projects.

Oh, and the ladies got together on Wednesday to dip chocolates--two 6'x2' tables-full.  Denise's hands-down favorites this year are the salted caramels.  The mid-week chocolate-fest may explain jer lack of enthusiasm for making chocolate cookies for the caroling party today.  Yes, there can be too much chocolate. . .but only rarely!  To be honest, much of the production went to the chocolate-dipping friends, and after that, he kids descended upon the tables and filled almost every festive container in the house to give as gifts.  Mark has hidden the remainder of the chocolates, prompting after-church "search and devour" missions by almost all the kids.

And about our annual caroling party. . .there was a little more than singing happening.  But it was well-attended, and hopefully, those who received the carols know they are loved, and those who caroled had a memorable time!
Shopping must be in their blood.  Watch out boys!

Nerf wars. . .just some of the action in the gattic

A little singing (guitar on the left), and eating and visiting.
With Christmas tree in the background.
Babies and hot chocolate and Eliza's short hair
(Marta, Mom, and Eliza, with Elyjah)
Mark has work for only three of the next fifteen days, and we're looking forward to some great family time.  No snow, so it'll be tennis and basketball and swimming.  Mark and Eliza have plans to begin training for a marathon they'd like to run next spring.  Many of the rest of us wonder why they'd like to jar their knees and sweat.  Swimming is just grand for us!

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